The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

More Sony DRM issues

Hot on the tail of last week's Sony CD DRM tale comes this patent from Sony, designed to limit resale of software. In other words, software installed on a machine with this type of DRM would NOT run on any other machine. Consequently, you could not buy used software, you could not rent games from your local video store, and you could not buy a game and take it over to your friends house for some multiplayer action. Note all three of these things would mean consumers would have to buy more games, making more money for Sony. Sony makes no money off of resold games, no money off rentals, and in the third case, consumers would each have to own their own copy of the game.

Perhaps worst of all, if your machine ever died, you'd probably have to replace your entire software library too.

Is this coming to the PS3? That's the rumor right now, though I suspect consumer backlash will kill this one before all is said and done.
If it is a PS3 "feature", I definitely will NOT be purchasing one.

My fear is that this will be bundled in as a hidden feature, and not be turned on until Sony has a fairly large installed base. The initial crop of games would be sharable/resellable, but then all the marquee titles later on wouldn't. That would really suck.


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