The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Words of the Day

* Jerkulator -- Someone who does something jerky, which in turn causes other people to do jerky things. For example, some jerkulator on a bike blows a stop sign, causing you to swerve, almost hitting a car and a pedestrian. The guy in the car honks, upsetting a nearby baby, the pedestrian curses, upsetting the baby's mother, and you stick your arm out the window and give the guy a one-finger salute. In effect, the jerkulator has set in motion an entire cascade of jerkiness, henceforth known as the jerkulatory system.

* Ringtonia -- When you think you keep hearing your cell phone going off, but it's not.

* Bimbonic Plague -- The social virus that makes young girls want to dress like hussies (not that I mind).

* Inanity -- Something that would be insane if it weren't so dreadfully boring (see pencil story below).


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