The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Personal: Sending in Acceptance to ASU/WP Carey

As many of you know, I've been tacking towards returning to school to do an MBA. I took the GMAT (equivalent of the SAT for business schools), narrowed down my choices, and applied to two schools: Arizona State University (WP Carey) and Indiana (Kelley). Indiana is the better ranked school and the more rigorous curriculum, but Arizona State seems better organized, is a little easier on the schedule (36 weeks a year of class instead of 48), and they didn't lose my application like Indiana did.

So I've decided to accept the offer to WP Carey. Assuming that they still have room in the program, that's where I will be going for the next two years. The program is a part-time, online correspondance program, so I will still live in Davis, still have my full-time job, and everything will be the same except now I'll come home and study for 3 hours a day after work.

Bye bye social life. Adieu. Ciao.

But I think, ultimately, it will be a good thing, as I will have more earning power, more job opportunities, and be able to move into an industry that isn't being killed by offshoring/foreign Visas.

Wish me luck.


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