The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

XBox 360 Having Some Problems

You may have heard that the XBox 360 was released yesterday, to huge lines everywhere and being sold on ebay for way above retail prices. Of course, this was expected by me, as Microsoft has admitted they are artifically limiting supply in order to stimulate buzz and demand.

And probably also so they can work the initial kinks out of the machine before they have to replace too many of them.

News today is that a fair number of XBox 360s are having problems -- anything from not being able to load games, hardware failures, and games crashing. There's a thread on Slashdot about this, as well a thread on the official xbox forums (which are running super slowly today).

Unfortunately to all those who spent hours upon hours in line to get one, when they return their defective ones, they will be unable to get a replacement in a timely manner due to the limited supply.

From what I've read, the initial revision of the Xbox 360 is running VERY hot, and some people have reported problems with it overheating if stacked near other components (which block the vents) or put inside a glass case.

All this makes me glad I'm sitting this one out.


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