The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

QBA 502 -- Managerial Decision Analysis (post-week-2)

Wow, you blink and suddenly a week has gone by and you haven't posted anything on your blog.

Been doing LOTS of studying. As you may or may not know, the online classes at WP Carey are only 6 week long -- that's 5 weeks of studying, and 1 week for finals. Each week, we have a module to read, and a supplimentary textbook (which I've found useful for looking up specific concepts that weren't clear to me, but unnecessary to read in full so far). The modules are dense with material to learn, and then we have homework exercises to complete and a quiz to take at the end of every week to show that we've learned it.

The class I am taking right now is QBA 502, which is managerial decision analysis, aka statistics. I have been working hard to get ahead in case I run into a time crunch, and to make sure I have time to review my quizzes before I submit them. In order to get an A in the class, I need to score at least 180 points out of 200. Each missed quiz question is -1 points, so it's definitely important to do well on the quizzes.

Week 1 was pretty simple -- it covered basic stuff about data: how to create graphs in Excel, what a population and a sample is, what standard deviation is, etc... No sweat. Week 2, which I just completed last night, was significantly more difficult: normal populations, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and p-values. The material was a lot more dense and there was a lot more of it, the quiz questions were significantly tougher, and there were 22 of them. So far, between weeks 1 and 2, I've missed 2 quiz questions, meaning I have 18 more to blow between the next 3 weeks and the final (which is 50% of our grade).

Now I'm just getting started on week 3, which is regression testing. I haven't really delved into it yet, but it's supposed to be the toughest week, and I believe it. So far, I've covered least squares lines (a linear best-fit line for data on a scatterplot). That's easy, but I expect it to ramp up in toughness significantly now that I'm out of the introductory section.

So far, the workload has been entirely managable, and I am impressed with the overall quality of the modules and my fellow students.


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