The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Friday, March 03, 2006


While talking to my friend Christina a few weeks back, I asked her if she was still playing any MMORPGs. She said she was still playing WoW, which was a great game for her because she could log on for short intervals and still get something done. I'd heard that WoW was pretty good for casual players -- my main concern with the game was that everyone would hit level 60 and there would be nothing to do. Players would get bored, leave the game, and that would be that. But all of my friends who hit 60 seemed to be having as much fun as ever, and the game got a huge population boost over XMas. Since I had a week off between classes, I figured I'd give it a whirl.

Just one problem: character creation on the server my friends were playing on was deactivated because the servers are having so many performance issues. Well, so much for that idea. I mean, I could have played on another server, but I'd rather play with my friends or not at all.

Strangely enough, about 3 days later, they opened character creation, and I jumped on the opportunity. The game took about 3 hours to install -- between the 5 CDs (which took forever to read for some reason) and multiple patches, I thought I'd never get to play. But eventually it finished, and I was able to create a character.

And thus, Keltarin the Druid was reborn again (he was my first main character in EQ1). I've been playing him regularily on the Silver Hand RP server, and he is now level 28 or so. I have joined a guild called the "Templars of Dawn", where everyone is nice, and it's great because I know 4 people in the guild in real life.

So far, I've mostly been soloing, although I've grouped up a few times here and there (mostly duoing). Tonight I will take my first experience with a full group and plunge into the deadmines. It should be a blast. I heard there's an underground pirate ship in there, which reminds me of The Goonies, and I can't wait to see it!

So yes, I'm back to playing MMORPGs again. God, I missed them.


  • At 2:07 PM, Blogger Trail 100 TT said…

    I'm with you here. While I don't do the MMORPGs, I'm a sucker for FPS. If I go too long without I start slapping my arm and scratching like Tyrone Biggums, Dave Chappel's crack addict.


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