The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Monday, February 06, 2006

My Co-workers are Incompetant, (aka. HAHAHAHAHA!!!)

Last Thursday and Friday, we had a training class here at work, in the computer area near the bathrooms. We have a bunch of computers set up there, along with a projector, so an instructor can teach people how to use our software. We do this about once every other month, bringing a batch of 10-12 people in to learn the program.

We have a big fridge in the employee breakroom (which is also doubling as the filing cabinet room, the server rack room, and the spare junk room). However, this fridge is kind of inconvenient to get to (see aforementioned note about spare junk room), and besides, the big fridge smells like old mold. Gross! Someone really needs to give it a serious baking soda bath. Or throw it out. But that's beside the point.

In any case, since the main fridge is inconvenient, they decide to purchase a mini-fridge they could keep sitting on the counter in the kitchenette, and stock it with soda for the people doing the training program. I was curious about it (it just appearing one day with no note or email), so I opened the fridge door, saw it PACKED full of soda, and knowing that my workplace is WAY too cheap to ever buy canned soda for it's employees outside of the occasional 2 liter to go along with a cheap pizza lunch to celebrate a coworkers birthday, I figured it was for the people undergoing training.

That was last week. I came in to work this morning, walking right past it, and it didn't catch my eye. Small. Fridge. Boring. Ignore. I. Am. A. Zombie. Today one of my coworkers who I get along with well comes into my cube and says "have you seen the new fridge?". I was like "yeah, how could I have missed it?". I figured it was an obvious lead in to something else. He says "have you seen it today though?". I said not really. He said "go look". So I went down the hallway, into the kitchenette, and didn't see anything special about it.

Looked the same as last week, as far as I could tell. So I figured maybe it was something to do with the inside?

I grabbed the handle, pulled slowly, and opened the door... and it was like a multicolored, frozen wonderland inside. There was frozen soda mush EVERYWHERE. On the inside of the door. On the bottom. On the walls. On the ceiling. On the shelves. Everywhere. It was a complete and utter mess!

Apparently whomever put the sodas in set the thermostat just a little too cold. As soon as training ended (Friday) and people stopped opened the fridge door on a regular basis over the weekend, every single can of soda in the fridge FROZE, and subsequently exploded, spawing half-frozen liquid all over the inside of the fridge.


I am so glad I'm not the one who's going to have to clean that up...


  • At 1:59 PM, Blogger Trail 100 TT said…

    aren't those moments grand! my coworker antics aren't nearly exciting, possibly due to their regularity...


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