The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

General Musings

Yesterday I was not feeling very well, so I went home early from work. I think it's the first time I've ever done that (usually I'm sick when I get up, or I suffer through work).

I watched the Kings game against Charlotte -- man they looked bad. I am seriously starting to dispair for this team. Bonzi got injured in the first quarter -- Kevin Martin came in to replace him and actually had quite a good game. But Peja and Miller totally disappeared in the 2nd half. Peja has been playing like crap for the last month -- he sleepwalks through games, doesn't chase loose balls with any vigor, and generally looks lethargic. Where's the Peja we know and love? Cause this ain't him.

My fantasy basketball team is suffering due to injuries. Corey Magette is out for another week, Andrei Kirilenko just injured himself for the third time this season (and we're only like 22 games in), Kareem Rush injured himself after 8 minutes in the Kings/Charlotte game, and Carlos Boozer has been injured for the last year. Fortunately, I recently got Maurice Williams, Gerald Wallace, and Grant Hill back from the injured list.

I bought a Christmas tree last Friday at Target -- they had pretty good prices. It was so cold (eg. about 40 degrees) that day that nobody else was there. The woman working the checkout line was freezing and was more than happy to help me pick out a good tree because she wanted to move around. I found a 6 foot tree with a great shape, and even managed to fit it INSIDE my Saturn. Yup, 6 foot tree, inside my car. It made my car smell better, although I now have plenty of short noble fir needles sitting in my back seat. Tracy and I decorated the tree over the weekend, so it now feels more Christmas-y in our place.

We're going down to LA to see my parents over XMas, so this blog won't get updated much in the coming days. Not that all two of you who read it care -- I'm sure you're off having your own holiday fun.

Happy holidays to all!


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