The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Personal: I am Impressed

This blog is officially two months (and one day) old! I never really thought I'd have the time or inclination to keep it up for so long, but it's kind of fun at times, even though it's oftentimes hard to find stuff to say. Which is wierd, because in real life, I'm always thinking up snarky shit, but a lot of it just doesn't translate into written word very well. I am grateful to those of you who read it, and especially those of you who leave an occasional comment so I don't feel like I'm speaking into a flexi-tube that's connected directly into the void of outer space (never mind that the vaccuum of space would suck me through the tube and into space, that's not the point you bastards!).

Things are moving along with my application to ASU's WP Carey Business School. Yesterday I found out I got into Indiana as well, but since I'd already decided I wanted to go to ASU, it didn't matter much except as a small boost to my ego. Not that my ego needs any more boosting.

After taking advantage of holiday sales and ransacking EB games and Gamespot, I am now sporting many, many, new (old) console games to play. Recently I've been addicted to Tony Hawk 4 (yes, I know that it's old now, but I never played it). Pretty fun. Last night I started playing Dark Cloud 2, the action RPG by Sony, and it's surprisingly fun. I've never played a cel shaded game before -- it's interesting.

Musically, I can't stop listening to System of a Down. I put Mesmerize and Hypnotise on one disc (they were really meant to be one album), which comes in at about 74 minutes. It's fricking incredible. I will probably buy the new Depeche Mode sooner or later.

You can see how cutting edge I am. I am playing video games that came out last year and listening to music that's months old. I think I am turning into a dinosaur because I just don't care about being first or on the cutting edge any more.

Strangely enough, I really felt like a dinosaur the other day for just a moment. I forget what I was doing, but a little black kid turned to me and said "excuse me, mister". Now, I've been called "sir" plenty of times, and that doesn't bother me, but I think that's the first time I got "mister", and for a period of about two minutes I think I aged about 400 million years. ROARRRRRRR.

To top my lovely day off, the idiots at Subway switched my sandwich with someone elses. To whomever got my meatball sandwich, I hope you enjoy it, fucker! Speaking of fucker, I finally got around to watching The Family Guy from about three weeks ago (yay Tivo!) (see what I mean about being cutting edge?!? I don't even watch my TV shows when they're on any more). It was the one where Peter starts his own TV station and the FCC comes and starts censoring everything. It was hilarious, and simultaneously sad, and it really makes me realize how screwed up this country's priorities are. Bad words and tits never killed anyone.

Well, at least not that I know of. I suppose if the tits were big enough...


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