The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Yes, I Am Still Alive

I know, I haven't written much to my blog lately. I've been pretty busy trying to pull together a vacation to New York and Boston in mid-April, working on my Econ class for my MBA program, and not sleeping. The not sleeping thing is the worst part. I don't know why, but over the past week I've been having a really hard time getting good sleep. Perhaps it's stress, or maybe just a temporarily insomniatic period, I don't know. But I do know I don't function well on not much sleep. I turn into Zombie Alex (tm). I've also been looking for a new job, with some craziness on that front.

The MBA program is going well. I am now about half-way through my second class, which is called managerial economics but is really micro-econ in disguise. A lot of it is a repeat from econ I took in college, but it's still not easy. Unlike statistics, which was organized excellently, this course is somewhat of a mess. The reading material is not organized as well -- there is lots of duplicate information, the concepts are not described as clearly, and sometimes terms are used without being defined at all! I hate that. It's also been a lot more reading -- in statistics, I took on average about 4 pages of notes a week. In this course, I am averaging about 12 pages of notes a week.

On the job front, I am still looking for a new job. I interviewed with a company called Intel that some of you may have heard of. I went for a half-day interview and talked with a bunch of different people about all sorts of stuff. Almost all of the people I talked to seemed really enthusiastic about me, and I did well on the techincal portions of the interview. Consequently, I was almost positive they'd offer me a position. Only, reality got in the way and they decided not to. I was not given a reason why (in fact, I was not given anything at all), but these things happen. Maybe there was a better candidate, and it probably didn't help that the guy who I seemed to "connect with" least was the guy who would have been my manager.

I also interviewed with a company called Pianodisc, who writes software for player pianos. The cool thing is that they do a lot of work with Linux and Midi, and as some of you know, I am an aspiring wannabe musician (as in, I suck, but I wish I didn't -- oh, if only wishes were reality). Although they seemed really interested in me, they made me an offer that was simply not competitive, and I couldn't take it. From what I hear, they've had a resignation in the software department, and that might lead to an opportunity. I expect to find out more today.

Most of the other jobs I applied to I have heard nothing back, or received an email saying the position has been cancelled. So onward I search.

I am still playing WoW. Keltarin the Druid hit level 42 over the weekend, so I am climbing the levelling treadmill as it gets ever steeper. Strangely, there seems to be a marked glut of gear on the auction house at this level. I think largely because people who make twinks often don't get them out of their 30s, and most characters who get to their 40s go all the way to 60. Consequently, there's just not much supply. The cool thing was that I got a blue world drop the other day an (assault band. Unfortunately, it was only a small improvement from the green ring I was wearing, so I decided to auction house it instead. Here's hoping someone who likes to PVP buys it for what I listed it at. If I sell it, I think that would push me above 200 gold. I bought my level 40 mount, and although it's a lot faster than walking (60% faster), it seems only marginally faster than cat form with the 30% speed boost druids can get as a talent. Kind of disappointing, especially given the cost.

That's all for now! More when I've got more news.


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