The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Blog is Dying & WP Carey Class 3

I just realized I haven't posted to it for like two months -- and not because I have nothing to say either. Things have just been busy, crazy, crazy, busy.

So here's the recap of the major events of the last two months:

Went to New York and Boston
Got engaged
Squeaked through my 3rd WP Carey MBA class
Redid the drip irrigation in my garden
Had my parents meet Tracy's parents for the first time

The 3rd MBA class was a lot more difficult for me than the previous two -- I've always been fairly good with numbers and math so statistics wasn't that bad. I aced all the econ classes in college so the managerial econ class didn't phase me too much. But finance. Ohhhhh man. I have almost no finance/accounting background, and this class certainly didn't make me want to get one. The class was basically learning how to read company's financial statements -- yes, those 108 page documents. The thing that makes it really difficult is that company's are allowed a HUGE amount of flexibility in how they present those things, so while the overall structure remains the same from company to company, the details can change drastically. Companies use different vocabulary for the same thing, account for things like inventory in different ways, and hide non-recurring line items in one of about a thousand different places. I have to say, I learned a lot, but it wasn't fun, and it was really difficult.

Fortunately, it is now summer break, and I have 7 weeks off from school. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean no studying -- I am working on learning new technologies to improve my resume and hopefully make myself more employable. I am currently reading about web services (which I started with because it's light, and my brain is already full). Next is C++ .Net and C#. Then it's on to project management stuff.

Hopefully it won't be a couple of months until my next update.


  • At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats on the engagement! Even if it's a very late congrats.

    Oh, welcome to the world of finance. From what little I deal with it's hard enough, but a much larger company must be much worse.


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