The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Welcome Back

to myself... It's been about two weeks since I posted anything, and with good reason -- the holiday season (hey, I rhymed). On the 22nd on December, Tracy and I went down to LA to spend some time with my family. The weather was really nice, and we had a great time. My mother was extremely gracious. I came back late on the 26th, sick. And I have been sick for the last week -- first with a head cold, and now a cough that's been keeping me up at nights. But I am finally back at work now, so things will resume as before, and slowly head back towards normal.

Well, until next week. On Sunday, I fly out to Tempe, Arizona, for a week long orientation at ASU. In other words, my MBA program at WP Carey is starting! I am both excited and a bit apprehensive. Unfortunately, that means this blog won't get updated next week, so all three of you who read it will have to find your entertainment elsewhere. Sorry! ;) I may start a side-blog to chronicle my experiences attending ASU from afar -- I'd do it here, but I'm afraid this blog might be a bit too... juvenile/immature/lewd/pick your own appropriate descriptor. In other words, keep the professional stuff professional, and keep the antics here.

Two side notes: One, what was up with the weather today? I walked outside at 7:15 to go to work, and everything was cast in a pinkish hue. The sun was just coming up, the street was wet, the air was clear, and everything was framed in this strange light that made something as pedestrian as a normal street in Davis seem extraordinary. It was really bizarre. One of the radio hosts even commented on it.

Two, since Rob, Arnie, and Dawn are on vacation this week, I was flipping channels as I drove to work. Jack (formerly Howard) licks my crack, so that was out. The Zone, which used to be a decent station back in like 1995 but has been horrible ever since they switched to playing "Pussy Rock" (tm) full-time (Pussy Rock: John Meyer, Jet, Kelly Clarkson, etc...) had DJs that were so inane it made me want to drive off the road into the nearest ditch. I am not sure why that station is still on my presets. Then I hit KWOD, where I recognized a familiar voice... Who was it? Oh shit, it's Adam Corrola. I have a love/hate relationship with Adam Corrola. I loved him on the Man Show because him and Jimmy Kimmel were hilarious, and... well, who doesn't like trampolines? But on radio, the man just isn't that funny. I remember back in Los Angeles (circa 1992ish) when he took over Love Line (with Dr. Drew) on KROQ from the Riki Rachman, who was a poor replacement for the Poorman. I thought the show went downhill at that point, and I mostly stopped listening -- of course, then it became a TV show on MTV and became super popular.

In any case, it appears Adam Corolla is here to stay on KWOD in the mornings (see KWOD's website for details), and it's too bad. For what it's worth, the Adam Corolla Show that is on cable now (I forget what it's called -- Too Late with Adam Corolla?) had moments of comedy gold, but was mostly not that funny. I want my morning music back -- well, unless maybe they can get Jimmy Kimmel to join him.


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