The Opposite of Normal

Strange thoughts from the inner workings of my mind, fortified with 200% of the USDA recommended daily value of snark.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

is an amusing website I was referred to today. It has quotes submitted from IRC/IM/Chat rooms that are funny, and users can vote on them.

I thought this one was particularily funny:

< DannyB> some girl on the street asked if i was saved yet
< DannyB> i told her i saved at the checkpoint a couple minutes back
< DannyB> and can reload from there if i die
< DannyB> she was confused

Or this one:

donchongo: i wonder what possesed some one to invent play-doh and silly putty
Wildfire: poop dries out to fast
donchongo: that really put a screeching halt to my thought process

Or this one:

< DmncAtrny> And then hurl it through the window of a Sony officer
< DmncAtrny> and run like hell

Or this one:

< Raven> I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
< Raven> It said my password wasn't long enough. :(

General Musings

Yesterday I was not feeling very well, so I went home early from work. I think it's the first time I've ever done that (usually I'm sick when I get up, or I suffer through work).

I watched the Kings game against Charlotte -- man they looked bad. I am seriously starting to dispair for this team. Bonzi got injured in the first quarter -- Kevin Martin came in to replace him and actually had quite a good game. But Peja and Miller totally disappeared in the 2nd half. Peja has been playing like crap for the last month -- he sleepwalks through games, doesn't chase loose balls with any vigor, and generally looks lethargic. Where's the Peja we know and love? Cause this ain't him.

My fantasy basketball team is suffering due to injuries. Corey Magette is out for another week, Andrei Kirilenko just injured himself for the third time this season (and we're only like 22 games in), Kareem Rush injured himself after 8 minutes in the Kings/Charlotte game, and Carlos Boozer has been injured for the last year. Fortunately, I recently got Maurice Williams, Gerald Wallace, and Grant Hill back from the injured list.

I bought a Christmas tree last Friday at Target -- they had pretty good prices. It was so cold (eg. about 40 degrees) that day that nobody else was there. The woman working the checkout line was freezing and was more than happy to help me pick out a good tree because she wanted to move around. I found a 6 foot tree with a great shape, and even managed to fit it INSIDE my Saturn. Yup, 6 foot tree, inside my car. It made my car smell better, although I now have plenty of short noble fir needles sitting in my back seat. Tracy and I decorated the tree over the weekend, so it now feels more Christmas-y in our place.

We're going down to LA to see my parents over XMas, so this blog won't get updated much in the coming days. Not that all two of you who read it care -- I'm sure you're off having your own holiday fun.

Happy holidays to all!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Why the 70's Were Great

Reason #1,377:

Board games were marketed with pictures like this one:

Check out the faces on those kids. Classic!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Everything You Wanted To Know About Toilet Paper

Nature calls. It happens. To my office coworkers and everyone else who reads this blog (all 4 of you), I dedicate this guide to you. May you learn much from it.

First, a little history.

According to this website, toilet paper was invented in China in the year 1391. "The Bureau of Imperial Supplies began producing 720,000 sheets of toilet paper a year, each sheet measuring two feet by three feet." Notice how large these sheets were? They were meant to be used by emperors. Presumably because the emperors were always enormous asses.

Sir John Harington invented the flushing toilet in 1596, which is the origin of the phrase "going to the John". But most people didn't have access to plumbing, and used outhouses, bedpans, rivers, holes, and probably anywhere else they felt like.

According to Wikipedia, "wealthy people used wool, lace or hemp for their ablutions, while less wealthy people used their hand when defecating into rivers, or cleaned themselves with various materials such as rags, wood shavings, leaves, grass, hay, stone, sand, moss, water, snow, maize husks, or seashells, depending upon the country and weather conditions or social customs.". Wood shavings? I don't know about you, but I don't like splinters in my bung.

And yes, maize husks is another name for corn cobs. According to the Straight Dope, "it was once common practice in rural America to leave a corncob hanging from a string in the outhouse for purposes of personal hygiene. The string, I gather, was to permit the cob to be reused." So not just corn cobs, but old, crusty corn cobs. So... who's hungry for some corn?

People who could afford to do so often wiped themselves with pages from old merchandise catalogs (but this stopped working so well when they started making glossy pages), or pages from inexpensive books. I can think of plenty of books I'd like to wipe my ass with. It would also be pretty cool to tell someone "I wiped my ass with your poem".

In 1857, New Yorker Joseph C. Gayetty produced the first packaged bathroom tissue in the United States. This was the beginning of modern toilet paper rolls, and ever since then there has been a great debate:

Do you face the toilet paper so the loose end is hanging away from the wall, or is close to the wall?

I am here to definitely answer this question for all time. The correct answer is that you hang it away from the wall, where it is easiest for the person taking a crap to grab. When taking a dump, one should not have to go in search of the end of the roll. It does not matter if the other way "looks better", when taking a poop, utilitarian concerns trump all others. I want to wipe my ass, and be done with it.

The only time it is acceptable to hang toilet paper the "bad way" is when you have pets or toddlers that think it's fun to unravel the roll. Since pets and toddlers will generally spin the roll towards themselves, hanging the roll backwards will prevent them from unravelling it.

However, this obviously does not apply in most places, especially offices. Because the dumbasses in my office don't seem to understand this, I've put together a short, pictoral guide on the correct and incorrect way to do this.

A pictoral guide to toilet paper placement, and other concerns

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Correct! Note the ease of access to the free end of the roll. A nice classy hanger to go with it makes it asthetically pleasing, and provides a more satisfying wiping experience.

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Incorrect! Didn't you read the above guide, dumbass? If I wanted to play hide and seek with the end of the roll, I'd go to a park, or some other place where and when I am not shitting.

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Unacceptable. It's bad enough that I have to unroll the toilet paper. I don't want to have to unfold it too.

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Usually Unacceptable. If you finish a roll, install a new one, jackass. Don't make the person who is having an intestinal emergency do the "oh my god I have to crap so bad!" stagger around the office looking for a new one before they can find some release. Jerk.

The one exception to this rule is when you don't notice that there isn't any toilet paper there before you start (due to some asshole who didn't follow this rule), and you have nothing to wipe with after you've completed dumping your load. In this case, you have no good options. You can either A) walk around the office half naked (and smelling like shit) until you find a roll, B) yell from the bathroom and hope some snickering coworker takes pity on you (it won't be me), or C) quietly zip up and then go home as soon as possible to replace your underwear. If you choose the third option, it's permissible to not replace the roll.

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Insulting! This is like a big "fuck you" to the next shitter. Here, wipe your ass with this scrap. And then replace the roll. Jerk.

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Unacceptable! I should not have to be a gymnast to reach the toilet paper because it has been placed behind me. Furthermore, if you wrap your toilet paper with a ribbon, I am going to wipe my ass with the ribbon.

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Unacceptable, because every time you try to tear some off, gravity will cause half the roll to unspool on the floor. And who knows how much nastiness is on the floor. Some of your male coworkers may use the "shake it dry" method, spraying droplets of pee everywhere, or they may come to work so drunk that they just miss the toilet completely. (Rule #4,812: When you're drunk, always pee sitting down). And let's not forget the guy who always inadvertantly pulls out a few pubes when unzipping. Guess where they end up?

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Unacceptable, for the same reasons as above. Buy a fucking dispenser, you cheap whore.

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Acceptable. Because sometimes, when you have to go, you REALLY HAVE TO GO.

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Unacceptable! Either someone went camping with this, or they have serious anger management issues (possibly because they were one of the people who didn't notice there was no roll, and chose options A or B above. You should have chosen C, dumbass!). In any case, not only will this be hard to unroll, it's probably got bits of sand in it, and I really don't need to exfoliate my bunghole.

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Acceptable, just because it's cool looking. It's even more fun when you put it on a hanger that's barely large enough to hold it, and it's too big to spin. Those screams of anguish you hear coming from the bathroom can be entertaining for hours.

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... What the fuck? Who invents this shit? And why does anybody buy it?

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Unacceptable. If you do this, I am going to wipe my ass with your sandwich.

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Unacceptable. What am I supposed to do? Gather the scraps and wipe my ass with a cloud of wisps? I think not. Here, kitty kitty.

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Acceptable. This is also a great way to ensure you have no friends.

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Unacceptable! I don't want to wipe my butt with anything that has holes in it. If this is something you've made yourself, I definitely don't want to wipe my ass with your art project.

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Acceptable As mentioned above, sometimes when you have to go, you REALLY HAVE TO GO.

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Unacceptable Cutesy is not appreciated when I am looking to wipe my ass. So I said to the bear, "do you have a problem with shit sticking to your fur?", and he said no. You know where this is going.

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Acceptable It is always permissible to wipe your ass with anything that looks remotely like George W. Bush's face.

And there you have it. You are now educated in proper toilet paper dispensal methodology. I will leave you with these few interesting facts:

In 1996, President Clinton passed a law on toilet paper, taxing each roll 6 cents. That means when you wipe your ass, the government is effectively making money.

An average user uses a total of 57 sheets per day. Unless they have a nasty dingleberry, then it can be more.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Why Yahoo Public Fantasy Leagues Suck

As some of you know, I'm a huge fantasy sports fan, and I often play in the free Yahoo leagues. Today I just realized a strategy that's individually beneficial while being collectively harmful to an entire league. The thinking goes like this:

Any trade made between two teams addresses unfulfilled needs that they have. As managers wouldn't take a trade if it was harmful, it's reasonable to assume that both teams will be better off after a trade. If two teams get better and the other teams don't change, the other teams in the league are comparitively worse off than they were before.

In Yahoo fantasy leagues, all trades must be peer-reviewed. This is done to prevent someone playing Kingmaker and trading LeBron James, Lamar Odom, Manu Ginobili, Ron Artest, and Shaq for Adonal Foyle. If four or more managers reject a trade, no matter how fair the trade was, it won't go through. This is done anonymously, and there is no repercussions for rejecting a trade.

See where I'm going with this?

If you're a manager of a team, and a trade comes up that does not involve you, it is in your best interest to reject that trade no matter how fair the trade actually is to the teams involved. That way, your team won't be made comparitively worse, and since nobody can prove it was you that rejected the trade, there will be no negative consequences to doing so.

Of course, if and when your team has some roster issue you need to address via a trade, you'll be SOL because the other managers will all shoot down your trade, no matter how fair it is.

Cool Inventions for 2005

From Popular Science:

The Tyrell Zeno, which destroys pimple causing bacteria, causing pimples to go away within 24 hours.

The PMED, allowing doctors to administer a painless shot without ever having to use a needle, providing only 1/1000th the usual dosage.

A neat way to charge your cell phone on the go.

And these soap bubbles, which sound like kids play, but the dye behind them actually has some pretty interesting practical applications.

Around the NBA

Now that we're about 20 games into the season (give or take), it's time to take another look around the NBA.

Atlantic Division
I think the big surprise here is Philly, who is 11-11 so far. Iverson has been an incredible scorer this season, and Chris Webber is re-emerging as a premier player. We'll see if his knee can hold out all season.

New Jersey, with it's big trio of Vince Carter, Jason Kidd, and Richard Jefferson, are only 9-11, which is kind of disappointing given how good they should be.

New York, with the highest payroll in the league, is a miserable 6-14. Ouch. Quentin Richardson is having a horrible year to boot.

And poor Toronto is 4-17, despite having a team that's really not as bad as their record implies. Chris Bosh is emerging as a superstar. Despite the horrible record, they're only 6.5 games out of first place because the Atlantic division sucks balls.

Central Division
Detroit is 15-3, which probably isn't a surprise to anybody. They're good, and they're probably going to end up playing against the Spurs in the finals this year. They've picked up their offense a bit this year. The Kings play them tonight.

Milwaukee is 12-7, which is better than I think most people anticipated.

Cleveland, after getting off to a hot start is now 11-9, having lost 3 in a row. LeBron is playing like a madman, but his teammates aren't gelling well. Larry Hughes is somewhat of a disappointment this year.

Chicago, the worst team in this division, is 10-10, the same win percentage as the BEST team in the Atlantic division. Have I mentioned that the Atlantic division sucks balls?

Southeast Divison
On top, of course, is Miami, with a 12-10 record. Not as good as it could be, but Shaq has also missed most of those game. And he just came back. Look for Miami to improve. The big question here is how are they going to fit all of those big egos together on one team? The great thing is that Pat Riley is taking over as head coach, and they will play the Lakers on Christmas.

Charlotte has lost their last 8 games in a row. Ouch. Of course, Gerald Wallace hasn't been able to stay healthy, so that's not much of a surprise.

At the bottom of the division, Atlanta is 4-16. But they've won their last two in a row. Against San Antonio and Cleveland, no less. Just goes to show you that anybody can win on any given night in the NBA.

Minnesota is off to a 12-8 start, which is better than I'd predicted they'd do. A lot of that has to do with Wally Sczerbiak (sp?) (who also gets the award for hardest to spell last name, narrowly beating out Joel Przybilla and Peja Stojakovic) who has been scoring a lot. Garnet looks like his knee might be bothering him, so we'll see if he can maintain.

The Nuggets, the darlings of the media coming into the season, who everybody predicted would be awesome this year, are 12-10. Camby is an absolute MONSTER most nights. But Kenyon Martin has been having serious knee trouble, and has been inconsistant at best. Carmelo has really started to shine in the last couple of games, and if he continues to do that, they'll be okay. Otherwise, who knows? Rumor has it they might trade Earl Boykins. Denver is the 8 seed in the playoffs right now.

Seattle is 9-11. Seattle is a great team with Rashard Lewis and Ray Allen are shooting well. And they stuck when they aren't.

Utah is 9-12, which is really surprising considering how many injuries they've had. Kirilenko was out for a bunch of games, Boozer has been out all season, Harpring is out again with a knee injury, etc... I'd expect them to be more like 5-16 with the roster they've had.

Portland is 6-14, which is better than they deserve. Especially now that Darius Miles is out. This team is my new pick for worst team in the Western division.

Southwest Division
San Antonio is 17-4. No surprise. Everybody know they're good.

Dallas is 15-6. This is a surprise. But Dallas is a deep, deep team with lots of scoring options and a superstar (Dirk Nowitski) to boot. I think they'll continue to do well.

Memphis is 13-7, also a surprise. Nobody thought they'd be this good.

New Orleans is 9-12, which is good for this team considering they have shitty players. They're playing with a lot of heart this year, and heart wins games.

Houston is 7-12, having won 3 in a row. Short answer: With McGrady they win, without him they lose.

Pacific Division
The biggest surprise has been the emergence of the Clippers at 14-7. With Elton Brand, Corey Magette, Cuttino Mobley, Chris Kaman, and Sam Cassell, nobody doubted they had the talent to do well. But this team has REALLY gelled this year and they're playing superbly. The clippers are the 2 seed in the playoffs right now. Lakers who?

Phoenix is 13-7, which is better than most people expected due to the injury to Amare Stoudamire. Of prime interest has been the emergence of Boris Diaw, who is a great player, and the well rounded contributions from all of their players. And let's not forget Nash.

Golden State is 13-8, which is slightly better than what I'd expected of them this year. Baron Davis has been healthy, and the team is deep. As I said before the year started, GS is going to the playoffs this year.

The Lakers are 11-10, better than they deserve. They've done this entirely on the strength of Kobe and Lamar Odom. And sometimes Smush Parker. I'm glad my mama didn't name me Smush. In any case, the Lakers are my pick as the team most expected to make the playoffs that won't. Lakers who?

After hitting .500 and then enduring a 5 game losing streak, Sacramento is 10-12. Boy have the Kings been up and down. They have arguably the most talented front court in the NBA, and inarguably the least talented bench in the NBA. When the starters score well, the Kings win. When they don't, they lose. That said, they've won 3 in a row, including 2 road games. Unfortunately, their next two games are against Detroit and San Antonio on the road, so the win streak is more than likely going to end soon. They also play Dallas and the Clippers within the next 7 games, so it's going to be tough for them to gain in the standings for a while -- as a result, I won't be panicing if things continue to look mediocre for a while. January is when their schedule gets easier (teamwise), although they do have a 6 game road trip against a lot of those teams. Even as the worst team in the Pacific Division, they're only 4.5 games out of first place. The Pacific is the tightest division in the NBA right now.

Chimpanzies Smarter than Human Children

At least when it comes to this one test. As posted on Slashdot, this is a particularily interesting article about how chimpanzies and human children learn differently.

I wonder what this says about religion -- it gets passed down to children from their parents before they have the mental capacity to see how extraneous it is, and they take it up via imitation. Although some people eventually decide it's not for them, there are plenty of people who never consider abandoning it because they grow comfortable with the rituals, like the social acceptance that comes from it, or simply aren't intellectually curious enough to even ponder the larger questions in the first place...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Personal: I am Impressed

This blog is officially two months (and one day) old! I never really thought I'd have the time or inclination to keep it up for so long, but it's kind of fun at times, even though it's oftentimes hard to find stuff to say. Which is wierd, because in real life, I'm always thinking up snarky shit, but a lot of it just doesn't translate into written word very well. I am grateful to those of you who read it, and especially those of you who leave an occasional comment so I don't feel like I'm speaking into a flexi-tube that's connected directly into the void of outer space (never mind that the vaccuum of space would suck me through the tube and into space, that's not the point you bastards!).

Things are moving along with my application to ASU's WP Carey Business School. Yesterday I found out I got into Indiana as well, but since I'd already decided I wanted to go to ASU, it didn't matter much except as a small boost to my ego. Not that my ego needs any more boosting.

After taking advantage of holiday sales and ransacking EB games and Gamespot, I am now sporting many, many, new (old) console games to play. Recently I've been addicted to Tony Hawk 4 (yes, I know that it's old now, but I never played it). Pretty fun. Last night I started playing Dark Cloud 2, the action RPG by Sony, and it's surprisingly fun. I've never played a cel shaded game before -- it's interesting.

Musically, I can't stop listening to System of a Down. I put Mesmerize and Hypnotise on one disc (they were really meant to be one album), which comes in at about 74 minutes. It's fricking incredible. I will probably buy the new Depeche Mode sooner or later.

You can see how cutting edge I am. I am playing video games that came out last year and listening to music that's months old. I think I am turning into a dinosaur because I just don't care about being first or on the cutting edge any more.

Strangely enough, I really felt like a dinosaur the other day for just a moment. I forget what I was doing, but a little black kid turned to me and said "excuse me, mister". Now, I've been called "sir" plenty of times, and that doesn't bother me, but I think that's the first time I got "mister", and for a period of about two minutes I think I aged about 400 million years. ROARRRRRRR.

To top my lovely day off, the idiots at Subway switched my sandwich with someone elses. To whomever got my meatball sandwich, I hope you enjoy it, fucker! Speaking of fucker, I finally got around to watching The Family Guy from about three weeks ago (yay Tivo!) (see what I mean about being cutting edge?!? I don't even watch my TV shows when they're on any more). It was the one where Peter starts his own TV station and the FCC comes and starts censoring everything. It was hilarious, and simultaneously sad, and it really makes me realize how screwed up this country's priorities are. Bad words and tits never killed anyone.

Well, at least not that I know of. I suppose if the tits were big enough...

Monday, December 12, 2005

AD&D Stormwatch Prediction

As I mentioned previously, I got into the AD&D Stormwatch Beta (along with about 100,000 other people, so no, I'm not special). Having had a bit of time to play with it and get a feel for it, I can now state with certainty (I'm going to say this in a way that won't break the NDA):

Wait until the reviews come out.

Uum... yeah.

Ron Artest, the Next Sacramento King?

There's been a longstanding rumor that the Kings might be willing to trade Peja Stojakovic for Ron Artest -- both players play the same position (small forward), and their stats match up remarkably well. While Ron Artest is regarded as a good defender, Peja can be when he wants to be but is often not. Peja doesn't produce near as many steals, but he's better from outside the 3pt circle and from the free throw line.

In short, it's a trade that could make sense, if all the variables fell into place.

Let's consider some of those variables.


1) Peja is in his last contract year. He's previously expressed some interest in changing teams, but apparently has changed his mind and wants to stay with Sacramento now.

2) However, it's become increasingly obvious that Peja is never going to be a top-tier player -- he's only a top tier shooter. Peja is never going to be the hustle guy, the muscle guy, the guy who steps it up at the last second, when the game is tight. Peja is regarded as a "soft" player, and a lot of the toughness comments that came from Chris Webber were indirectly directed at him. Will Sac want to pay him what he thinks he's worth in order to get him for another 5 years? Perhaps. There's no doubt Geoff Petrie is a Peja fan.

3) Peja has slumped recently, until the last few games. In part, this is due to his recent hand injury (it was more than his pinky). Even so, Peja isn't producing the stats or the leadership he did last year after Chris was traded. Indications are that Peja may have peaked in his abilities.

4) The Kings roster right now doesn't have what it takes to get the job done. And by "the job", I mean get at least to the Western Finals.


1) Artest was suspended all of last year for conduct, and he's generally regarded as a hothead. How many other hotheads have the Kings given the "nab and rehab?" Jason Williams, Chris Webber, Bonzi Wells, to name a few. This is old hat for the Kings, and many other teams wouldn't want to deal with the baggage.

2) Artest wants to leave Indiana, as he's made clear in recent statements. And the management of the Pacers is willing to let him go. However, he does NOT really want to play for Sacramento. He's said that if he gets traded to someone other than New York, he'll probably leave after his contract is up and go to New York.

3) Ron Artest can bring the toughness the Kings lack, the defense they lack, the speed they lack, and indications are that he could get better. In short, he'd probably be an excellent fit for the team.

Now, I'm a Peja fan, but I think the trade makes a LOT of sense IF (and only if) the Kings don't get stuck with him walking out to go to another team like they did with Mobley. I don't know if that's a likely possibility in this situation, and I think a lot of the feasibility of the idea hinges upon it.

Adelman and Petrie have denied they're shopping Peja, but they'd be stupid at this point not to at least consider it. Because, even though the Kings won their last two games and Peja has played much, much better, they need to shake things up a bit. They need to become tougher, and right now Bonzi is the only guy out there playing with heart and soul. And Artest can offer that.

Shot Glasses Made of Ice

This article tells you how to make them. What a fantastic idea!

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Yeah, I know I haven't been updating the blog quite as often as I normally do, but this week has been the boot in my ass that just keeps kicking. Work has been hellish, as I've been trying to implement a feature into our new rendering engine -- the code I wrote works great, it turns out that a lot of the code that generates the data my code uses is wrong and needs to be fixed, and a lot of the routines my code calls are also wrong. I've been scrambling to get everything fixed up so we can release a new version, which we were supposed to do last week.

As reported by this blog, scientists have discovered a material 40 times harder than diamond. It's pretty much like a diamond (made of carbon), but whereas diamonds use a weak chemical link, this one uses a stronger one.

This video is pretty funny -- it's exactly what you'd expect an advertisement for a game called Grand Theft Lego to look like.

This video is absolutely hilarious. What do you get for an real advertisement when you mix Japanese rap, dancing, and... the Legend of Zelda? You'll have to watch to find out. It's so bad, it's good.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cool Articles

This one is about a robot with square wheels (originally reposted on Slashdot). Interesting concept -- the wheels are all set at 22.5 degree angles to each other, and then a weight is rotated parallel to the ground in a circle around the center of the car. As the weight shifts over each wheel, gravity causes that wheel to rotate 22.5 degrees.

The WWF (environmental group) caught pictures of a new mammal in Borneo. It looks like a lemur.

For Brooke: Carmelo Fined $5000

NEW YORK (AP) -- Denver Nuggets forward Carmelo Anthony was fined $5,000 by the NBA on Tuesday for throwing a basketball into the stands during a game against the Miami Heat.

With 3:10 left in the first half of Saturday's 101-99 home win over Miami, Anthony was called for charging. He threw the ball into the crowd, and it hit a preteen girl in the head.

The girl, sitting in the front row behind the basket, was not injured. Anthony briefly chatted with her as the Nuggets filed past on their way to the locker room at halftime.

Monday, December 05, 2005

How Much Caffeine in a Red Bull?

115.5 mg, about 3 times as much as a Coke.

This is a great chart showing how much caffeine is in various beverages and medications. Two Red Bulls is more than a No-Doze.

No wonder I couldn't fall asleep on Saturday night (even if it was 4am by the time I got to bed: Damn you, Tetris Attack! Damn you!) after drinking a pair.

Personal: Thou Shalt Not Work

Last Thursday, I was thinking about taking Friday off. I emailed my boss (who works out of our San Diego office) and asked him if it was okay. Unfortunately, he was at a conference and never responded. So I was a little hesitant not to show up without it actually being explicitly sanctioned. I had also just finished a new feature and figured they might want me around to debug it if they found anything wrong (and given how complex the feature was, odds are _something_ will be wacky).

So I decided I was going to go to work on Friday after all, though I wasn't happy about it. Got up early, did my morning routine, hopped in my car, got onto the road and notice my car was pulling pretty hard and the ride was really bumpy. What was going on? Pulled over to the side of the road, examined my tires, and sure enough, I had a flat. Not sure how it happened, but it ended up with my car in the tire shop, getting 4 new tires and an alignment (read: expensive), and me not going into work after all.

I guess if it had to happen, it picked a good day.